
Friday, August 12, 2011

Papa Smurf, Smurfette oh and Let's Not Forget NIGGAH Smurf...

What do you get when you are bitten by a black fly in the land of the Smurfs?
Niggah SMURF!!!  No, seriously.

The Smurfs was my all-time favorite cartoon as a young girl.  Growing up there were 3 televisions in the entire house and of course I was stuck sharing with my older sister, commonly known back then as "Mean Ole Troll."   Every saturday morning I'd watch the Smurfs faithfully while my sis huffed & puffed patiently waiting for her turn to switch the tube to a program I had no desire to see but was forced to watch anyways.

In my mind, I was Smurfette.  Don't judge me.
  Yes I know she was the only female amongst a male dominated village and that presumably makes her a heaux. However, if I'd identified with anyone Smurf-else you'd probably think I had gender issues. So yea Smurfette it is. Now imagine how nostalgic I became when I found out there was a remake coming to a theater near me. Thank God for that fandango app on my phone.   Instantly nostalgia transformed into a state of shock.  In the aisle of one of the biggest toy stores in America there it was ...

Is that what I think it is??

If you are familiar with the figurines given out by McDonalds in a Happy Meal, you'd know that the Smurf's pseudonyms are written on the bottom of their feet.  As if we couldn't tell the one with the books in hand is Brainy Smurf.   But what is the name of the only Black Smurf seemingly so angry gritting his teeth,  with his arms outstretched ready to grab something up?

 Niggah Smurf!!!

Oh please believe it gets worse.  The black smurf was born blue just like everyone Smurf-else however; he was the unfortunate Smurf out of the bunch to get bitten by a random black fly.  Immediately after getting bitten, he is infected, his skin turns jet black, he becomes stupid and with his arms outstretched he sets out to infect the rest of the population with his "blackness."  Hmmmmm

As my sister and I exit Toys R Us, we can't help but laugh at how blatantly racist this all seems.  Its almost like we are making jokes in hopes that it is just that. A joke.  Amongst ourselves we take it to another level, blaming every "incident" that happens to us thereafter on race whether it be racist or not.

Incident #1
Did the hostess at P.F. Changs sit us all the way in the back of the restaurant nearest the kitchen because we are the Niggah Smurfs?? If so, thats some Niggah Smurf ish....  

Incident #2
Upon entering the Mickey D's drive through window the employee asks if I'd like a toy for a boy or a girl.  My reply...Can I have the Niggah Smurf, please?.  Alright, no this really didn't happen. But could you imagine if I had?

All in all, I declined to go see the The Smurfs: 3D; however have you seen it yet?  Did Niggah Smurf have a cameo? Do you think, Im over rationalizing the black x blue racial innuendos?  What are your thoughts?


Simone-Anne said...

Great Post Voni!

Carrie said...

Voni is this for real??

Voni said...

Its unbelievable but very TRUE!