
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dont Let Your Dreams go in Default like a Forgotten Student Loan...

I realized my dream a little later than I'd expected.  In no way do I  regret the paths that I have chosen to get here however; it is later than I'd expected.  At 28, dangerously close to 29, I thought I'd be a top record exec on a big Music Label.  I am not.  I dispelled that dream immediately after I obtained my Bachelor's degree with a concentration in Music Business.  With various internships at Sony BMG starting from high school, I had a great entertainment resume. But I didn't want that anymore.  

I knew I was a good writer very early on when I was asked to forge attendance notes for my friends in high school.  In college, i began to write spoken word, performing at various open mics.   The idea of writing down my thoughts over instrumentals in front of an audience, who welcomed what I had to say so well, they cried; should be terrifying.  For me it wasn't.  In one word it was Euphoric. As the story continues, I've made some decisions in my life that caused me to put this dream on hold.  I've got responsibilities; I've got real-life issues, circumstances in which a dream needed to be deferred.

Have I gotten it all together? Probably not. I am ready to take this dream head on, cover my eyes and jump over the cliff of the unknown. Hell yea.  You won't know unless you try.

Often times, we let our surroundings hold us back. Ever choose a night of drinking with your besties over sitting home to hone your craft?   Ever stay up until the wee hours of the morning talking on the phone with your significant other rather than study for a big exam? Ever let someone you love and admire give you advice that is good for them and not you??

 A good friend of mine always says "Never let anyone put you in a box.  Because they will hold you to it.  There is no room for change in a box.  A box is where dreams go to die."  I am alive and at 28 my dreams are realized.   

Here is another quote I'd like to leave you with... Followers are not meant to lead.  Leaders are not meant to follow.  Lead your dreams because if you choose to follow them they'll forever be behind you.

Like I've said ... writing is my therapy... I wrote this for me... 

Voni  V*I*P*

Friday, October 29, 2010

Family Over Everything

My favorite time of the year is when the sun is out, the smell of BBQ resonates through the summer air, frozen drinks are the beverage of choice and relatives you haven't seen during the cold-weather months, drop by unannounced looking for some free air conditioning.  We are all guilty of having the family member who may be  way too loud no matter the topic of discussion; or had one to many alcoholic beverages and now he/she just has to share just how much they love you; or the one who enjoys the great times we share but always seems to sleep throughout the  festivities.  Although I am old enough to know all the "family stories" by heart, I am guilty of having my favorite stories retold over and over again.  It's all about nostalgia, being able to relive the memories as if you were there yourself.  It is also about being able to laugh at the children my family members once were.  Sometimes that one crazy relative allows you to have your own story that must be retold - for laughs of course.

Uncle G is loud all of the time. Morning. Noon. Night.   No matter what the circumstance he is always shouting DAMN!!!! 

Let me give you an example.

Its Thanksgiving.  The men are in the living room watching the football games, the women are in the kitchen whipping up an elaborate dinner all except for my mom. Weird.
Out of no where, Uncle G screams DAMN!!!!
No one is alarmed.  The team he was rooting for has seemingly lost the game and Uncle G is just disappointed or mad.  I can't tell.  Two minutes later the children run into the kitchen begging for candy or sweets of some sorts. They are turned away by their mothers because dinner is almost ready and their appetites should not be spoiled or all the work putting together Thanksgiving dinner would be in vain.  

"But NuNu (my mom) is eating candy over in the corner! Why can't we have some too???"

Two seconds later, M&Ms go crashing, scattered like pinata candy.
The children dive to the floor.

"DAMN!!" - There goes Uncle G....  "DAMN Nunu..You're Busted!!"

Now that I think about it, Uncle G encompasses all the characteristics of the crazy yet well-loved family member.  Uncle G is in his 60s yet he doesn't look like a typical 60 year old.  His favorite topic of discussion is always family.  He believes in his heart of hearts that we are each others best friends and protectors - that's the true definition of family.
One hot day we are sitting on the porch listening to Uncle G rant about how we need to do better as a family unit because we no longer take summer vacations together.  The conversation gets heated when my cousin disagrees with him on the basis that not attending costly family trips shouldn't define how much we love each other.   Uncle G gets so heated he screams "DAMN" with so much force his front teeth fall into my lap then on to the floor.   He quickly retrieves them and shoves it right back into his mouth.   We are all shocked. No one knew he sported dentures not to mention the fact that it wasn't securely locked onto his gums.   My great aunt breaks the silence.
DAMN!! G so your not gonna wash that before you put it back in your mouth.
Come on in this house let me clean that for you!!!  

- Good Times

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Minx & Mani's: Paperdoll Boutique:

You're never too old to play dress-up

Hey Ladies & some gents, PaperDoll Boutique wants you to tell-a-friend to tell-a-friend to come and enjoy Minx & Mani's TODAY!!!!! 
 You can't beat this price if you wanted me! 
 Oh, and while your at it check out the dope clothes they have to offer.
This is V*I*P*APPROVED!!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Aint that some Bull

Does anyone knees hurt after a night of heavy drinking and dancing??  Ever since 2009 when I ended up in the hospital with 16 stitches on the bottom of my foot from dancing barefoot on tables (channel Coyote Ugly) I get chronic numbness of the toes when I stand in heels for way too long?   Tell tale signs of a great night!!!

My good girl friend / name twin celebrated her 25th birthday this weekend.  Although she was almost 2 hours late for our reservation at Johnny Utah's (named after Keanu Reeves' character in Point Break)some of us got the party started without her; at the bar of course!  If you are unfamiliar with the bar & restaurant Johnny Utah's, it is mainly famous for its mechanical bull perfectly situated in the middle of the venue.  The drinks were just O.K. as were the appetizer wings. 
Will I ever go back??  Maybe. Maybe not.  If I had to give J.U. a V.I.P. rating, it would only receive 3 stars.   I understand restaurants being a stickler for rules. I also understand the sheer obsession of EXCLUSIVITY  but to have a mandatory BOTTLE SERVICE after 9 pm.@ a bar is ridiculous. I would like to know the type of patrons that dare go in their pockets to spend money on bottles at a place like that.  Not to mention, J.U. had three bouncers and a guest list at the door. *confused face*  This place must get really busy despite the fact that it isn't particularly easy to find.

Us girls finally got our act together for part 2 of the night. Well, I was on part 2.. the late birds were just beginning and were in a desperate need to catch up!  Words cannot describe how much fun we all had. Especially when you NEED pictures to relive the priceless moments. It just proves that women can have  drama-free , caddy-less nights... Yesssss they do exist.

To My Late Night Text Receivers - I meant every word!!
To the Birthday GIRLS & guy....  let's do it again NEXT YEAR...

What You Eat Don't Make Me.... Sh*t

I stated in my first post that I am a chronic blogger and while I have resisted the urge for about 18 or so posts....  I now have 2 blog sites. Why do you need another one Voni?   Well, this weekend I had obscene amounts of fun with my girls and upon looking at the pics to reaccount most of the events that went on for the night I noticed that I am getting a little chubby.   NO BUENO....   
With that said, is a blog about my eating habits. Hopefully, this will curb my cravings for Old Bay Seasoned French Fries, Double Stuf'd Oreos, Rice, and any other devil related foods.  Unfortunately my first post didn't go so well..   I NEED HELP!
Read | Follow | Comment ---->  What You Eat Don't Make Me... Sh*t

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Willow Smith - Whip My Hair

If you haven't heard Willow Smith's new single entitled "Whip My Hair" then you will not relate to this post.  One of the most catchiest songs in a long time, you will most likely hear grown adults humming this adolescent tune.  The minute I listened to this song in its entirety I began to feel a sense of empowerment. Yes I know it's just a song most likely written by a seasoned writer and not Willow herself; however, Willow is who we identify with and you nor I can deny that whomever is behind her is something like a genius.   Let me explain.

I recently travelled to the MD/DC area to celebrate my nieces 13 yr old birthday.  During my stay I quickly realized that she is indeed at a very impressionable point in her life.  Very soon she will be off to high school, where she will have to face boys, the popular girls, puberty and decision-making -if she has not done so already.  If I could describe that particular time in my life I'd say it was overwhelming to say the least.  Something as simple as picking out the perfect outfit for the day may have resulted in a mental breakdown.

How does this relate to Willow's song?  "Whip My Hair" is an anthem for pre-teens and teens growing up in a world where opinions are often given without regard to one's feelings or circumstance.  It is a song that suggests "I can do what I want , where what I like, be who I am, un-apologetically.   Such a powerful message coming from a 9 year old don't you think?  Critics seem to believe that this may be too much weight for a young girl to bear.  I think the opposite.  Who else can they relate to?  Beyonce?  Nicki Minaj ? There is something slightly irritating about young girls reciting lyrics that are age inappropriate.

I spent an entire day in the mall shopping with my niece.  Intrigued by a 13 year olds sense of style I never once tried to influence her clothing choices.  At one point, she picked up a shirt that I particularly didn't care for. She turns to me and says "No one in my school wears anything likes this.... I want it!"
For this I blame Willow Smith.

Voni V*I*P*

White & Black Sexual Negotiations

Read. Laugh. Joke. Pass it On!!! Oh & Click the Link!
V.I.P.  D. R. Bussey is too funny.  
Check out her take on Sexual Negotiations between a White Man & a Black Woman
It Just Comedy People!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Nightlife vs Real Life

I must admit I couldn't stand to hear people say " You should have been partying when the Tunnel was poppin' or some other  old  club I was probably too young to get in to.  How the times I have changed. I now find myself saying those same words to the youth.
  "You should have been around for Etoile, or the Supper Club.  They definitely don't have parties like that anymore."

I started going to nightclubs a little earlier than the suggested age of 21.  My greatest nightlife memory is of The World nightclub (now the WWE gift shop, I think).  My best friends and I stood on this long line like fiends to get in the party so we could catch a glimpse of Nelly in his Vokal attire.  At the time, his single was Andale Mami.  How did three under aged girls get in the club you ask?  My two girl friends have always been mistaken for sisters although they look nothing alike to me; however their plan was to use the same I.D. hoping the security wouldn't notice.  Of course he didn't.  Me on the other hand, I slipped in through a back door. I had no choice. Passing around the same I.D. THREE times was a great way to get embarrassed and kicked off the line.  Not to mention I am short and dark-skinned, the total opposite of the person on the card.  Today, that would have NEVER worked!! Security guards are no longer JUST security guards.  They also moonlight as Cops equipped with a handheld device that checks identification cards authenticity.  Nevertheless we were standing on couches in no time.  We finagled our way into V.I.P..... and that began our career.  From sneaking into the hottest venues to promoting these same venues & top artists under the promotional moniker of GLAMsquad.

GLAMsquad.  A group of women in 2004 who decided we were going to make money from something we loved to do - partying & meeting artists/celebs.  Half of the all girl crew was living in Brooklyn while the other half (myself included) attended school in Long Island.   Could you imagine travelling from Long Island to the city, spending all night & morning in the club - to travel back to Long Island just to make it in time for 9 a.m class and do it all over again the next night?   That was the life!! A good party then consisted of dancing all night long non-stop, sweat out perms / outfits, no fights and leaving the club when the lights came on... maybe.  

This regimen continued long after we'd graduated college. It was an addiction.  One particular night in Brooklyn we made about 12k without any celebrity appearances or radio-related DJs. *along with other female promoters*  It seemed as if the possibilities were endless.

Now if you were to ask me the last time I've stepped foot in a nightclub I would have to remember a close friend who may have celebrated their birthday recently. I no longer promote or frequent nightclubs for recreational purposes.  So much has changed.  It could be that I have matured.  The same things that excited me then no longer gets the same reaction now. Naturally people's preferences change and they move on to bigger and better endeavors.   That should be the meaning of life right?

Honestly, I can't get jiggy with the idea that Diddy can pen a rhyme that goes " ..all I drink is my sh*t, Ciroc by the case load" and now you have people struggling to look cool for 2 hours or until the Ciroc is gone.  Not knowing that the manager or the owner of the club has ordered the bar maids to sabotage your $200 Ciroc with house liquor. The idea is to get you to buy more liquor at this ridiculous price, meanwhile you have no idea you are drinking Ciroc flavored water. 

Photos of the night used to consist of DJs doing tricks on the 1s & 2s; of you and your girls dressed appropriately for the night; you and your boys arm and arm minus the unnecessary "no homo" caption underneath the frames.   Gradually it progressed to unwarranted hate messages in the comment section directed at the persons in the pictures to seeing the same "hood celeb" in all the clubs every night. What about the things aforementioned would entice anyone to hit the nightlife scene?

Behind the scenes is just as ugly. I've witnessed other promoters making deals with club owners to make sure no other upcoming promoters could ever book a club without first going through them. Female promoters are treated unequally and often times struggle to make as much money as their male counter-parts. *but isn't that in almost any industry*  

 As for the partygoer, there is no real fun to be had in a setting that suggests you stand around in your high end fashion attire hoping no one spills champagne on you should a fight break out.  Too many people have lost their lives in nightlife over who has more bottles on their table or street beef that spilled over in to the club scene. Nightlife in my opinion is a dog eat dog world and I am not in the least bit interested in the fight for scraps. 
Voni V*I*P

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

Today marks the annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Prospect Park.  I have been personally affected by this disease for many years, and I am blessed to say my mom, aunt, neighbor & "my Mona" are all SURVIVORS.  Thank you to all who has walked & donated in support of loved ones, friends, & family.  

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Never Leave Home Without It

In my spare time I do read other blogs, and one thing I've noticed is that I love to know whats in other peoples purses/pockets.   Call me nosey blaaaaaaaaahhh!! You want to know too!!!

I can NOT leave home without the Following... 

Have you ever left home without your phone?? Has to be the loniest feeling in the world!!!!  I will admit I just might be late for just about ANYTHING just to go back and get it.

I love the smell of this lotion. This is perfect for me during the cold weather months because my skin tends to peel. So Annoying..!

Definitely need a good book for the arduous rides on the train.   Although the NYC train systems is the perfect place to get material for V.I.P. sometimes I just want to escape the madness.  Besides this particular book is therapy!!

You just never know when you will be in need of that good ole polish change. I never use the nail polish from the salons. They fill them up with nail polish remover so your manicure ends up being dull and never lasts!! 

One of the best gifts I've ever gotten.  I renamed this my SPY CAM.. Don't get CAUGHT!!!

Why does the bottom of my bag look like the end of the rainbow???..   I think I can spare some change for every panhandler in NYC.  

Always have lip gloss in my bag.. This is another item I would die without. Get Rich Quick by Mac.  I also have a DUANE READE brand just in case of emergency...

There has been an on-going debate on whether us ladies should wear these DAILY???  What are your thoughts??? 

There you have it NOSEY!!! Whats in your purse/pockets???

Voni V.I.P.

Twitter Rants & Raves

I've been gone for a minute now I'm back on the jumpoff"- Lil Kim

There has been a lot going on in my life for the past few weeks. October aka Libra Love season is one of my busiest months next to Christmas!   I don't have many close friends but its seems as though the ones that I do have are ALL born in October.  *please, I say this with the utmost Libra Love* 

Now for the MEAT of this post entitled: Twitter Rants & Raves...

The other day I tweeted "Calling your live-in girlfriend your SITUATION is disrespectful."  PERIOD.  I struggle to understand why Men who are in "committed" relationships venture out to engage other women.  Some of these women are unsuspecting while others knowingly creep with involved men. <----but that is another issue to be discussed later.  What is the point?  Shouldn't you just stay single. Being single means you can play the field honestly without intentionally breaking someones heart in the future.  Makes sense to me. Just like no sin is more wrong than the other, disrespect is just disrespect all the way around.  But to be categorized as "MY SITUATION" its just annoying to me. (thank you Jersey Shore for giving birth to that phrase!)  Don't ride the lines.  You either have a girlfriend or you don't.  

A good male friend of mine suggested I read The Conversation by Hill Harper.  I haven't even gotten to the middle of the book and I am so enlightened!

Women as a species are very intuitive. In relationships, I believe we can basically tell when things aren't going as we've planned.  I will go even further and say that we even know in our hearts when the relationship has gone south.  We are creatures of habits; therefore if in the beginning of the relationship he comes home at 6:00pm every day and you notice that has changed without an honest excuse, you already know what it is.   If your birthday comes along and he doesn't give you so much as a card.....

The same goes for men. They too know when the relationship is over. Most of the time both parties are holding on to something that is no longer there- for convenience.   In the end, this is hurtful to everyone.   A lot of Hill's findings about the difference between men and women I notice are extremely truthful.   I especially can attest to the fact that men do not break up with their women.   Instead they tend to sabotage the relationship to the point she no longer wants to stay.  Cheating, lying..deception.  MAN UP!!! 
I know now is not the time to quote Fantasia but it fits. "If you don't want me... then don't talk to me... Free Yourself."

*Voni V.I.P*

Friday, October 1, 2010

V.I.P. Real Life * True Stories * and that other stuff

It's 2:30 a.m. and my BB (short for Blackberry for you other phone users) is vibrating off the hook.

Voni, why are you still up?

I respond, "Hustlers, never sleep"
Hustlin, Hustlin' .. Roc-a-fella... one umbrella... gyeahh!!

Honestly, I lot of my close friends have been asking why haven't I been blogging recently.  When I think about it, I can come up with a handful of excuses why I've been so lazy.  Here's a prime example summed up in one short phrase. PURE LAZINESS... So in efforts to have something written before  the day is done.

10 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT VONI (in no particular order)

1. I cannot stand the smell of Peanuts and do not understand for the life of me how anyone can eat it without gagging involuntarily.

2. When I was 11 years old  I went to the Dominican Republic and fell in love with the Spanish culture. By the time I returned home no one was allowed to speak to me in English (even though it is my first language) or call me by my god-given name. I was Christina.

3. I love sour cream, hot sauce, & double stuffed oreos.... seperately of course

4. I am terrified of Centipedes... 

5. The Color Purple & Baby Boy are my all-time favorite movies.  Never watch either of these movies with me unless you are prepared to see me transform into Celie, Nettie or Mister in TCP or passionately morph into Jody in Baby Boy. YOU ARE WARNED!!!

6. I have a not so hidden talent. I can sing but only in the aisles of the grocery store or in a restaurant most likely belting out my favorite Deborah Cox ballad.  Otherwise if you ASK me to sing for you  I probably won't... I just cant...I'm too shy.  

7.  I have a confession. A secret I have been keeping for 6 years.  Maybe more than that.   My college roommate, my bestie, thinks that I took her pillow in haste when we were moving out of the dorm rooms.  Truth is... I stole it...  It was the softest pillow I'd ever accidently fell asleep upon and I couldn't bare to part with it..  PHEW!!! Glad I got that off my chest .. On to #8

8. I absolutely hate feet and dont understand the concept of PRETTY FEET.. feet is feet... and I don't want them anywhere near me...

9.  I am a handy-girl.  I keep this somewhat underwraps b/c technically fixing things is "the mans job". Well until the man has no idea what he is doing and I end up hooking my TV up or putting pantry shelves in my closet myself... Cats out the

10. I havent eaten Pork or Beef in almost 8yrs.  I broke the streak the other day and I almost died.. Never AGAIN!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Who You Lovin' Who You Wanna Be Huggin - Hot Dogs

The other night I met up with one of my best girlfriends and her co-worker in the city.  She scored tickets to the John Legend & The Roots concert and I figured I owed it to my readers to be able to recant the experience via VoniIsntPerfect.  

While on the A-train, all of us girls engaged in conversations mainly about men, dating and Hot dogs.  My girl's co-worker tells us a story about one of the worst dating scenarios in history.  If you thought my "Latin Girl" story was bad this tops the cake.

"This guy had been asking me out everyday for the past few months.  There was something about him that didn't sit right with me; however I finally decided to take him up on his offer to grab a bite to eat and watch a movie." 

My girl begins to giggle. I'm guessing she had already heard this story from her co-worker before.

"So we enter the movie theater and he asks me if I'd like something from the concession stand.  I told him I'd like 2 hot dogs and a drink. He recites my order and gets Nachos for himself.  The movie ends and as we are leaving the theater I turned to him and say "Well, where are we going for dinner?"

By now my girl is laughing hysterically and I already know the ending.

She continues...

"Don't you know he turns to me and says, "Umm, DIDNT YOU ALREADY HAVE TWO HOT DOGS??!!!!"

Needless to say she ended that DATE immediately.  That was the one and only Red Flag she needed to let her know this guy was a complete LOSER.

**Trust me when I say this is a true story.  If you have any dating stories you'd like to share, send them to my email address --->

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Who You Lovin Who You Wanna be Huggin

My father whether he knows it or not plays a big role in how I choose the men I date.  As I transitioned from daddy's little girl to boy crazy in my adolescent years, "Daddy" would give me advice on what type of guys he thought were worthy enough to date his daughter. I still go by these rules to this day.  I try to atleast.

"If a man doesn't walk you to your car, call you a cab, or walk you to the train/bus station, he doesn't care about your safety.  A man should make sure his lady is safe and secure. A man's role is to protect you even if your situation is just as simple as one date."

"A firm hand shake signifies a confident man."

" A good man has a great work ethic."

"When the waiter/waitress brings the bill, a man will show you his maturity by the way he handles the tip."

"Pay attention to the way a man treats his mother because he will treat you the same way."

My father is not the type of father who is long-winded or who comes up with elaborate back-stories like Bill Cosby before he gets to the point of his lessons.  A straight forward type of guy.   I can remember bringing home a young man to meet my dad (very rare).  I could tell my he had an opinion on this particular guy just by the look in eye.

"Sooooo , what do you think Daddy?"

"I need more time."

This was a first!  We kept dating for a year or so before I asked my dad the same question.

"Sooo, what do you think Daddy?"

"I think that he is a good guy.  He brings my daughter home safe,  he takes off his hat when he comes in the house and is very well spoken.  I can tell he loves you however; he will not marry you. If marriage or a strong commitment is what your looking for, keep looking."

He explained to me that a man knows what he wants out of a relationship within the first year maybe even sooner. If a strong commitment is what he is seeking out of the relationship he will have no problems making that move towards this goal.  Makes you go hmmm...

Daddy was right.....

Voni V*I*P

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Who U Lovin' Who U Wanna Be Huggin' - PART I

"There are lots of fish in the sea"  - but I'd rather chill in the sand rather than take part.  But for the sake of VONI ISNT PERFECT  (I hope you notice the sacrifices I make for you guys ) and my sanity (no one wants to be the lonely friend)  I will try.
Now that I'm back in the dating pool I am quickly coming to the conclusion that "dating" is pure comedy.  In the past I've never really "dated" around in the true sense of the word. Previous boyfriends have been guys I've known before hand and wouldn't have considered having a relationship with in the first place. But because all of them have not led to the ultimate commitment *marriage*, I am trying a new formula.  

On one of my many lunch breaks (I don't smoke however I feel that I am entitled to as many breaks as a smoker) I spotted a well-dressed young man in front of my building.  Dark-skinned, average height and from what  I can tell he works out often- maybe in his late 20s.  I checked to see if he had a lit cigarette in his hand.  I am trying to come out of my comfort zone and ease up on my "MUST HAVE" list however; I will not date a man who smokes ANYTHING. 
No cigarette... Great...  We make eye contact. I smile.  He smiles back.  Im thinking tomorrow I will strike up a convo.  I check the time. Mental note: Lunch break for "him" is 1 o'clock.

Now you know the next day I was 15mins late for work trying to find a cute "work outfit." Smh.   
Work. Work. MORE Work. Telephone Calls... Finally its lunch time. 

I step out in front of the building and there he sat on the steps. Alone. So what did I do?  I called my girl on the phone and casually sat next to him as if this wasn't planned at all.  He smiled. The jig was up. 
I then tell my girl I have to go although she knew that was coming. Before she hung up she asked if he had a blackberry?  A girl has to have standards right?? lol  

"No Lunch for you today pretty lady?"

Yea one minor detail I must have forgotten.


"Oh, I've eaten already. Unless you plan on sharing your pizza."

We both laughed.

I will spare you with the flirty details. Let me fast forward to the "interesting" parts of the conversation.

All of a sudden he blurts out ..

"Summertime is the best time of year. Do you know why? Because there are lots of women. Beautiful women with big butts. You know what I mean?"

Dead Silence...

Actually I did understand what he meant but is that something you say to someone you've just met???? 

Normal conversation continues... I find out he is a temp at my job, he lives in Brooklyn and he works out at the gym right across the street.  At this point, I'm thought we could exchange numbers and take "this" one step further.  He must have read my mind because he pulled out his Blackberry to check the time. However he didnt ask for my information...

"Do you know any spanish women and if so do you have pictures of them.. like on your phone??"

"I'm sorry..what?"

"Spanish women.. I like spanish girls and I was wondering if you knew any?"

"Yea, ok. Um... Let me ask you something before I make an assumption about you.  Do  you think because I sat down next to you and engaged in a conversation, that I want to date you?"

He laughs although I hadn't said anything that warranted a chuckle. I was dead serious.

"Im sorry. I didn't mean to offend you."


He later tells me that he has a girlfriend at home and she is in fact of Latin decent and that should explain his interest in latin women.His explanation made no sense whatsoever but I let it slide.

Here comes STRIKE TWO

"Living in NYC, a man can never be faithful even though he decides to "commit" to a woman. Its just the way NYC works..."


I mean who is this guy?  This is proof you should never judge a book by its cover. This guy is an idiot to say the least.

As I stood up to walk away in shock of course, he says

"I've offended you again, haven't I?"

"Actually, you were just being you. Enjoy the rest of your lunch. I will be seeing you."

Yes, I got up and left.   I was over it.  

**The next day we meet in the elevator.  He tells me that no one has ever left him mid-conversation.  He promises to make it up to me by taking me out to lunch since I was evidently offended by something he had said.   I declined...***

Is this what I have to look forward to??? IM NOT IMPRESSED!!

Voni V*I*P*

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fashion Night Out

Finally! I've uploaded the pics from my first experience of Fashion Night Out.  I got invited to a couple of events this night but because I'm always running late I was only able to attend one.  I heard the city was bananas which means I would have never made it to & through the madness. Celebrities were mixing and mingling with the common folk all for the sake of fashion.  Kanye tweeted how lovely the ladies were looking walking down the New York City streets and of course my girl just knew he was referring to her. (she's a trip!).  All in all I had a great time in Brooklyn.
FNO The Wagon Style.

Check the "security" in the background.  He took his job very serious while attempting to make my girl and I stand on the sidewalk until we had clearance.

 Later on that night, I found out the real reason we weren't able to walk in the store upon our arrival. You know I had to find out just why I was standing out on the streets for no good reason.  Apparently there was a performance by a young artist named JUSSIE.  Unfortunately, due to my tardiness I missed out on what I hear was a great performance.  Have you heard of him?
Like I said, I can't really comment on his music; however do you remember Jurnee Smollett, the young actress who played in Eve's Bayou?  Well, that's her older brother, Jussie. Hmmm, interesting right?

Okay, back to the events of FNO.  After the performance, "security" finally let us through the doors and we were greeted by the familiar sounds of Brooklyn's own DJ BOOF.  Here is a pic of DJ BOOF showing fashionista JQ the 1s & 2s.

Music blaring, free shots of liquor flowing, ladies looking chic & fabulous, fellas looking fly. (Am I showing my age by using the word fly??? *giggles*)  There was even a make-up station for quick makeup tips by Shana  of Glam2Luxe Cosmetics.  I've been trying to get her to teach me how to do my eyebrows for the entire summer. I just wasnt prepared to get my lessons this night in front of everyone in the store.
Shana & Spag-Lo

After an hour or two of mingling with the good folks at The Wagon it was on to PART II of the night. Santos.  I've never been so I was kind of excited to go - although I don't think my feet got the memo.

Photographer cut my shoe off.. but you get the picture. 
Voni - V.I.P.

Fashion Night Out = A bevy of Men and Women dressed up in the latest & hottest fashions. The kick-off to NYC Fashion Week, all things fashion related come alive during this time.  I personally will never consider myself fashion-forward however; I am fashion-friendly.   *pic coming soon*
To be completely honestly, my night didn't end until about 4am and Lord knows how I lasted so long in my 5 inch heels. Here it is 7:30 p.m. the next day and I am still feeling the effects of the night before. (shout out to my NUMB BIG TOE!)  And yes I will be wearing 5 inch heels again tonite.  This is the type of sacrifice we women make for beauty. Besides I'm only 5 feet tall!!!

Oh Gosh!! Did I just say it was 7:30... I am going to be late..Again... My girls are going to kill me.  I had to keep my promise to you guys and POST SOMETHING....

Check the blog again tomorrow for full frontal details of FNO weekend...


Voni *V.I.P.*

Monday, September 6, 2010

Can You Believe This???
I had been working extra hard at work.  So hard I didn't even notice I missed lunch. I made a B-line for the Vending Machines immediately.  My tummy was being type disrespectful.  Crispy bill in hand, I punch my selection and BOOM!!!

YES!!  a 2'FER !!

 2 Pop Chips for the Price of One!!!

You know that feeling you get when you get something for free???   Well that feeling quickly Vanished!!!  I attempted to open the bag of chips however; to my surprise something or someone had already done that.   (enter a string of explicatives here...!!! Yooooooowaa

Friday, September 3, 2010

Feature Fridays: Are You a Victim?


I am by no means a self-proclaimed Fashionista, Stylista, or any other style pyseudonym that ends in -ista.  I wear what what I like and I happen to look GREAT doing so. Who am I to dictate what is the new trend, what you shouldn't wear or what was sooooo last season. All I know is that I make sure I don't wear flip-flops in the rain, I put away my scarves & hats for the summer, and take care not to wear UGGS above 55-60 degrees. When I am unsure, I will pick up a phone and dial a friend.  Friends don't let Friends go outside looking CRAAAA-ZYYYY! If so, that is not your friend and he/she is laughing AT you not with you.
Again I am no June Ambrose (even though I adore her fashion sense)however; I know what I like and what I don't like. With that said, SKINNY JEANS for men is a NO-NO. Never would I date a guy who shops in the women's section and/or who's JUNK I can see without X-Ray vision. By no means, am I attracted to a man's curves.

Last night, I rode the train with my best girl friend.  I look to my right and notice a very "fashion conscious" dark-skinned man peering at us through his Ray-Ban sunnies. OH MY!!! 

"Would you date a man who wore skinny jeans?"

"Ugh, if it's worn the right way, sure."

That prompted me to ask myself - "What in the hell is the "right way?"  Tight is tight. There is nothing manly about a young man or old man for that matter whose jeans has any percentage of spandex in it. 

As soon as I got home, I went to my computer to do some research on this skinny jean disease. yes i did say disease - stay away from it GUYS!!

My girl was right - sort of.  

Would you date this guy? or rather would he date you! lmfao
I can't.
This is obviously the wrong way to wear skinny Jeans.

Now this look I like.
Not too tight and not hanging off the ass.
Oh, btw this pic was taken when were in Miami (j/k)

When the skinny jean trends goes AWRY!!!

While doing my research, I stumbled across another woman - inspired trend in which men are taking part. Capri's... <---- Is fashion going too far? Wear what you want guys, I'm just saying if you approach me wearing Capris trying to "get to know me," I am letting you know right now the conversation won't get very far. Some of you would say, thats unfair. You are judging a man by the clothes that he wears. Isn't that shallow? My answer to that is is shallow-ish. I mean we all have our preferences. I prefer not to engage in a conversation with a man who sports lady shorts. I am laughing at you .. on the inside of course.

Fine... You be the judge.

Not only am I confused about the Capris
I don't understand why would you wear a sweater & shorts at the same time..on the same day?
Fashionistas out there can you help me out on this one.. 

C Breezy, may have proven there is always an exception to the rule.
I still feel a little uneasy about Man-pris though.

It is safe to say everything Must be done in moderation. Never take part in any trend that is not a direct reflection of yourself. We the people will notice. I have also come to the conclusion that Celebrities can pretty much do and wear whatever they want. If you consider yourself a celebrity more power to you but that doesnt mean You are one. And if you see me laughing to myself, you should know why.

Voni - *V.I.P*

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Michael Jackson's 52nd Birthday Party

I've finally decided to upload the pics of the
  Michael Jackson Tribute
this past Sunday in Prospect Park hosted by Spike Lee
 (love this guy.He is sooo Brooklyn).

  It was blaazzzing hot in the park...a good 100 degrees if you asked me
but that didn't stop theMJ fans from coming and showing out. 

Shout out to Toya a.k.a. SHAMS for the backstage passes. 
It definitely made up for her CRAPPY directions on the best place to park the car.

Cake Man Raven
stopped by to donate 2 beautiful birthday cakes in honor of Michael Jackson. 
Yes, ladies and gents the cakes were indeed Red Velvet.
To my surprise CakeMan pulled up his sleeves to cut the cakes for everyone backstage. 

I mean with all the negative press stemming from legal actions against him for not adequately paying his employees to the health hazard in his warehouses:
I don't know maybe he should roll up his sleeves more often.
Watch CakeMan cut the cake like he is on TOP CHEF: Desserts

Marlo was very willing to take the picture although I kind of wished he would have gotten into character. 

Jamal aka "Gravy"
He played the role of Biggie in the movie Notorious and is a rapper from BROOKLYN!!

Al Sharpton
should coin the phrase "I'm Everywhere, You Ain't Never There
The day before the MJ Tribute, Al was in DC heading the "Reclaim the Dream Rally"

After sitting in the hot sun for hours, I had had enough.
The anticipation of the trek back to the car was overwhelming.
(which is probably the reason I'd stayed so long in the first place). 
 I had a great time, met a wonderful group of people and I figured it would be best to leave before the crowd...  
We BROOKLYNITES can get kind of Rowdy
I spotted a group of men dressed in three-piece suits (despite the weather) running along side a mini van.
I hear somebody whisper...
"its Snoop"
 I immediately thought
OMG! Its Snoop from The Wire!!!
My bestie turns to me and says
"that is just dumb VONI!!!
Why would Snoop from the Wire arrive with so much security 
and Marlo walked in like the average JOE!!!  
(Go ahead Laugh out Loud.. I cant hear you anyways...)

Out of the tinted Van was
 the rapper of course.

And there you have it V.I.Ps.. full frontal backstage access to MJ 52nd Birthday Party.  
Did you feel like you were with me? I hope so...

Voni *V.I.P.*

 *Do you think Black business Owners are scrutinized more than other business owners?
* Or are Black people harder on their people?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Voni Isnt Perfect : A message to My Prospective Readers..

Bonjour Yal,
Its Voni. There is something I would like to get off my chest before I really start opening up to you guys. I've created this blog for two reasons.  I aspire to be and will become one of the greatest writers in the history of writing (got damnit!!) & because writing is my therapy. So im just gonna come out with it ...
I am a chronic blogger & a slave to my Zodiac Sign... Pisces.. a CHRONIC blogger because this is NOT my first blog. I PLAN to be more dedicated and diligent to Voni.Isnt.Perfect; however I am a Pisces which means I am creative, sensitive, intuitive, caring  and a PROCRASTINATOR. I even procastinated by listing procrastinator last!!!! lol Procrastination usually leads to forgetting all about what new and fun ideas I've had and ultimately leading to the demise of whatever it is I've started.
- R.I.P. and the others I haven't published on the World Wide Web yet and probably never will.  
So there. I've said it OUT LOUD... I hope to never let you down ...but ...again (say it with me..)Voni.Isnt.Perfect.

 Voni *V.I..P.*