
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Willow Smith - Whip My Hair

If you haven't heard Willow Smith's new single entitled "Whip My Hair" then you will not relate to this post.  One of the most catchiest songs in a long time, you will most likely hear grown adults humming this adolescent tune.  The minute I listened to this song in its entirety I began to feel a sense of empowerment. Yes I know it's just a song most likely written by a seasoned writer and not Willow herself; however, Willow is who we identify with and you nor I can deny that whomever is behind her is something like a genius.   Let me explain.

I recently travelled to the MD/DC area to celebrate my nieces 13 yr old birthday.  During my stay I quickly realized that she is indeed at a very impressionable point in her life.  Very soon she will be off to high school, where she will have to face boys, the popular girls, puberty and decision-making -if she has not done so already.  If I could describe that particular time in my life I'd say it was overwhelming to say the least.  Something as simple as picking out the perfect outfit for the day may have resulted in a mental breakdown.

How does this relate to Willow's song?  "Whip My Hair" is an anthem for pre-teens and teens growing up in a world where opinions are often given without regard to one's feelings or circumstance.  It is a song that suggests "I can do what I want , where what I like, be who I am, un-apologetically.   Such a powerful message coming from a 9 year old don't you think?  Critics seem to believe that this may be too much weight for a young girl to bear.  I think the opposite.  Who else can they relate to?  Beyonce?  Nicki Minaj ? There is something slightly irritating about young girls reciting lyrics that are age inappropriate.

I spent an entire day in the mall shopping with my niece.  Intrigued by a 13 year olds sense of style I never once tried to influence her clothing choices.  At one point, she picked up a shirt that I particularly didn't care for. She turns to me and says "No one in my school wears anything likes this.... I want it!"
For this I blame Willow Smith.

Voni V*I*P*

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